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Welcome to SuperBuzz’s Human vs. Machine challenge.

SuperBuzz’s unique artificial intelligence engine generates premier advertising copy for marketers. Our ad copy has even proven to surpass human-level quality.

We are proud of our technology and invite you to see if you can distinguish ad copy created by SuperBuzz versus a human. Good luck!


Each multiple-choice question contains three product taglines: one written by SuperBuzz’s artificial intelligence (AI) and two written by humans.

For each question, please choose the tagline created by the machine (The AI). Each question includes the website associated with the tagline.

There are 47 questions.

Human or Machine?

Thank you for taking the time to play our human vs. machine challenge!

You are officially part of the flourishing AI marketing community.

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1. Which text was created by machine? (

2. Which text was created by machine? (

3. Which text was created by machine? (

4. Which text was created by machine? (

5. Which text was created by machine? (

6. Which text was created by machine? (

7. Which text was created by machine? (

8. Which text was created by machine? (

9. Which text was created by machine? (

10. Which text was created by machine? (

11. Which text was created by machine? (

12. Which text was created by machine? (

13. Which text was created by machine? (

14. Which text was created by machine? (

15. Which text was created by machine? (

16. Which text was created by machine? (

17. Which text was created by machine? (

18. Which text was created by machine? (

19. Which text was created by machine? (

20. Which text was created by machine? (

21. Which text was created by machine? (

22. Which text was created by machine? (

23. Which text was created by machine? (

24. Which text was created by machine? (

25. Which text was created by machine? (

26. Which text was created by machine? (

27. Which text was created by machine? (

28. Which text was created by machine? (

29. Which text was created by machine? (

30. Which text was created by machine? (

31. Which text was created by machine? (

32. Which text was created by machine? (

33. Which text was created by machine? (

34. Which text was created by machine? (

35. Which text was created by machine? (

36. Which text was created by machine? (

37. Which text was created by machine? (

38. Which text was created by machine? (

39. Which text was created by machine? (

40. Which text was created by machine? (

41. Which text was created by machine? (

42. Which text was created by machine? (

43. Which text was created by machine? (

44. Which text was created by machine? (

45. Which text was created by machine? (

46. Which text was created by machine? (

47. Which text was created by machine? (